+5 votes
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4 Answers

+2 votes

I think it should be done away with. Kind of a pain !

+3 votes

Not eliminated, but I do think it should be either about the same length as Standard Time...or, it should be shorter than Standard Time.

As it stands now:

  1. DST - Second Sunday in March through First Sunday in November

Same length as ST could be:

  1. DST - First Sunday in May through First Sunday in November
  2. DST - Last Sunday in April through Last Sunday in October
  3. DST - First Sunday in April through First Sunday in October
  4. DST - Second Sunday in March through Second Sunday in September

Shorter length could be:

  1. DST - Last Sunday in April through First Sunday in October
  2. DST - First Sunday in May through Last Sunday in September

Again...these are all options that DST could use to make things better.  I don't like how long DST is as it stands now.  I could accept any of the same length options, but I'd prefer either of the shorter length options.  I just cannot accept the longer length DST actually is.

Edit:  I should also point out that before DST was changed to a longer time, it used to be like this:

  1. DST - First Sunday in April through Last Sunday in October

While that wasn't as good as I prefer it, it was still better than what it is now.  Can it at least go back to that again?


Looks good to me ! Good job !



+2 votes

It never really bothered me, and I certainly like it in the summer.  I'd keep it all year round, except that school kids would have to catch their morning buses in the dark in the winter, and that's not so good.


Hadn't thought of that because we drive the girls to school when it's dark anyway. Boy, they love that!

+2 votes

It was imposed against nature, and it is not good for health.


And even if you are used to the daylight savings time, it is still an unpleasant feeling to go to work while it is still night and to go home after dusk, except for about four months - all the more when you see every morning lots of grumpy people.

And even if energy could be saved, it would only work out during a much shorter period of about 4 months.

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