+1 vote
in Society & Culture by

Hillary Clinton appears to be: part of the conspiracy that led to the grizzly Benghazi murders of 4 American heroes; traded in top secret classified information, which she knowingly and deliberately sent unsecured and illegally over her personal server; (more than likely, closely monitored by Russia, China, and North Korea, just for starters - a fact Hillary clearly understood - even AFTER her alleged brain injury) - and then lied about it: a crime involving a Class A Felony and/or Treason (you or I would be spending our lives in prison, by now, if not shot or hung by the neck until dead, had we committed such scurrilous, traitorous, acts); evidence STRONGLY suggests that HILLARY and BILLYBOOB ARE knowingly accepting ILLEGAL campaign contributions from enemy States, surreptitiously, through the "Clinton Foundation", with every indication of a "quid pro quo", understanding, to be "satisfied" once Hillbillary seized the White House (which they ALL anticipate, like a pack of drooling dogs). It'image remarkably fortuitous for Hillbillary and MAObama, who clearly hate each other, that MAObama MUST support her to guarantee her silence, while HILLBILLARY must keep silent about MAObama's unconstitutional, illegal, and covert, activities, to insure his continued support. If this corrupt symbiotic relationship every breaks apart, it would be the best of all possible worlds for United States' Patriots.

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5 Answers

+3 votes
I think..., by

I would never vote for her even if none of the above is true.  She has lied throughout her whole career.


+2 votes
No, b/c..., by

I wouldn't vote for Hillary for ANY reason at all.  She should be in jail, but because we have a Media that is in bed with the Left, nothing will happen.

+1 vote
Yes b/c..., by

If Hillary gets the Democratic Nomination,  I will vote for her.

+1 vote

I voted for her as a write in instead of Obama 8 years ago, when her own party screwed her over and threw their support behind the first term Senator who hadn't even completed that first term (and worked their asses off to convince America that she was complete shit, so why should anyone vote for her now?)

+1 vote
No, b/c..., by

I wouldn't vote for Hill if she were the only candidate on the ballot.  I believe she and Bubba Bill to be everything, and to have done everything, plus more, that was mentioned above.  She will never be brought to justice because I don't believe this country will ever try, much less convict, a former first lady.  That bit Trump has about shooting someone on the sidewalk and getting away with it definitely pertains to the Clintons. 

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