5 Answers

+2 votes
It'd sure make her ticket more viable...to dems.

Absolutely correct.

Hillary couldn't possibly find a bigger liar than she is, except for Al, so he would nicely round out the ticket in a number of useful ways.  And no Dem would dare say anything against it, because that would be racist.

0 votes

Not only would the majority of Dems NOT be in an uproar, they would approvingly fall into line behind the ticket, like the PC zombies the majority of them are.

+1 vote

probably not.


Correct.  It would be racist of them to voice ANY objection.

+1 vote

That's too remote a possibility.  No disrespect to Rev. Sharpton (even if he were interested in the job) but, Clinton would pick Martin O'Malley before considering Sharpton. Hell, she'd pick Bernie Sanders before AL.


If Al were offered the job (no matter how remote the possibility), he would JUMP at it.

It would open whole new vistas for him and his lies.


Sharpton is no fool and from what I've heard, for the most part not a liar.  He's not interested in holding political office and knows that is not his role.  He is certainly smart enough to know that no one would even entertain the thought of him sitting in the on-deck chair to lead the nation.


You would have said the same about Trump a year ago.


Trump has always expressed a desire to be President, from way back.  He's a narcissist so his idea of what the U.S. President should be is of course not what you or I imagine it to be.  Six months ago the idea of him winning was laughable (including to those in the media).  Hopefully it is still unimaginable...



There would be nothing at all unusual for someone like Sharpton to run for political office. Have you forgotten Jesse Jackson already? And have you forgotten that Sharpton has been "advising" Obama for some time now?

Yes, let's hope it's still unimaginable, but stranger things have happened in world history. Who do you think would win, for example, if another 9/11 took place this September?


I'm not aware that Sharpton is a considered an insider to the President. AL is a Democratic figure (or consultant) that Democratic (and some Independent) candidates see necessary to publicly meet with if they hope to sway African American voters.  I don't see Sharpton endorsing anyone per say but it would be a mistake to underestimate his influence.

Another 9/11 or attack on U.S. soil?  We've had some significant attacks since then, including in Boston.  I can't allow myself to even consider that Trump could be a possibility in the mix so that leaves Clinton, Sanders and whomever the GOP decides to stand behind.  Clinton is basically a hawk so would be the most likely person to launch a counter attack, as if we were not already doing that now.

"Insider"?  Depends on what you mean by the term. This seems pretty "inside" to me.
As for "launching a counterattack," what Obama is doing is half-hearted, insufficient, and obviously a fig leaf meant to cover up his failure to deal with the ISIS "JV team".

Oh Nooooo...if you are going to quote the NY Post as evidence of anything truthful...lol. They can't give that rag away in NYC. I no longer even line the bottom of my bird cage with that paper since my bird died.

The terrorists fear Obama far more than they do the previous administration. For better or worse, his use of drones and covert action has wrecked havoc on those groups that include ISIL. They have been beaten far back in the areas they held a year ago. It's okay to acknowledge that fact.



From a source more to your liking:

"...the event in Manhattan seemed to mark the completion of Mr. Sharpton’s decades of transition from consummate outsider to improbable insider.

“I’ve been able to reach from the streets to the suites,” he said that night.

Indeed, Mr. Sharpton’s influence and visibility have reached new heights this year, fueled by his close relationships with the mayor and the president."


As for ISIS, oh yes, no doubt they are positively REELING from our CIC's thunderous blows. ISIS just killed another 100 or so in Iraq, but heck, that isn't as important as Paris or San Bernardino, is it?


(You probably would have preferred a report from MSNBC, but will CNN do?) :)

+1 vote

If that crooked ass Hilary were to pick Al Sharpton as her VP that would truly answer the question is it possible for her crooked ass do anything more crooked than what she has already done... Because Al Sharpton is a fake ass black man that pretends to represent the black race.

The only time this ass hole show up to represent black people is when some controversial issue occurs between blacks and the cops. By the way for the record I am a black man...

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