+5 votes
in Doubts by
Received upvotes but they aren't counting towards my total. Just started happening today. It seems if I answer a question it's okay. If someone upvotes it won't work. I am also wondering if my upvotes are counting for other people.

7 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Never really checked....they might be added later..
Even when I log out and come back hours later my total is the same. Only changes if I answer a question. Not for anything else. Thank you.
You get points for asking and answering questions...for raving and people raving you and so if none of these things happen while your gone, then your point stayed the same
While I was gone I received 2 more upvotes as you can see when you compare my comment to you from before my total is the same as it is now. I have counted how many I have received and my total would be about 30 more than is reflected. In the big scheme of life it doesn't matter but it will take the fun out of this site for me if people vote for me or I vote for them and it doesn't matter.
I have been a long time contributing member from both Ask and Blurtit. My friends here could attest that I Never complain about anything. If I do its because something is not right. If I was answering questions that are serious than I wouldn't care because I'm helping someone. I'm here to have fun. If your votes and mine don't count than how is that fun? Why is no one but my friends taking me seriously. Quitting this site might be my only alternative.
Where are you checking your points..
Ive checked your score and it's been 303 for days...just send Dan a message and tell him what's happening and he will put it right....
Thanks platinum. I just sent him something. I don't care about the past upvotes of the last few days. Would just like to have them work going forward. I appreciate your comments.
Thanks for all you help, Platinum. I appreciate it.
+6 votes
No I haven´t noticed any issues about it.
Thanks. I wonder if my pivoted are working towards other people. So strange.
Upvotes* sorry autocorect.
+6 votes

Oblio and Arrow are sent to the Pointless Forest, but soon discover that even the Pointless Forest has a point.

Lol!!!! Thanks, Bruno. :))
+5 votes
Dunno, Dragonfly. I haven't been watching.

For the past week we've had a very pretty dragonfly with a bright red body flitting around our fish pond. Dunno if it's the same one all the time but every time I see it I think of you. I'll try to get a photograph later.
I would love to see it. Let me know when you do.
+3 votes
Absolutely....hooked one on my t-shirt this morning, but....my mother said I was a lil' devil so.....there we have it chaps
+2 votes
Not noticed  tbh
+2 votes
I will try to fix it soon as possible.
Hey Dan, still the same. Looks like you were trying to do something. I received a bunch of votes. Still stuck at 303. Let me know if it could be fixed or what to do?
Thanks, Dan!
New Year's Eve Countdown
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