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in Health by

4 Answers

+2 votes

Don't they test the blood first or the person giving it? It's mandatory here.

If you’re thinking about donating blood but are not sure about your HIV status, you can request an HIV test in advance of donating at your local clinic.


They are supposed to, but keep in mind it is a different country in another part of the world.

+2 votes

Do you mean from legitimate licensed blood banks, or from drug addicts sharing needles?


In licensed blood banks, very rarely. The donor suicide.

With the needle sharing, in some cases, I assume. They would be other causes, but i don't know if I can post them here on this site.
+3 votes

I did not know. 

+1 vote
It seems that with medical scandals (as well as in other fields), the first impulse that the Establishment has is to cover the matter up.

It seems that those directly involved in the cover-up have to have left the scene before the truth is finally admitted.

Something similar is happening just now, with the truth coming out about how the American National Institutes of Health funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, contrary to what Dr. Fauci swore under oath to the Senate some years ago.
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