+5 votes
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5 Answers

+6 votes

Dan, I don't know anything about cryptocurrency except the word bitcoin et al.

However, I do have a prejudice here, because just about anything done by Amazon or Facebook or Google, or Apple/Microsoft or the Big Five mega-news corporations or ExxonMobile or just about any multi-national corporation, well, I tend to be pre-biased against it.

I did hear on the news they are giving FB a difficult go of it.

(Sigh) ...and now I will go put in my latest order to amazon.com...


+5 votes

If it has to do with Facebook? I don't want anything to do with it. Not in the least bit interested.

+5 votes

I will not use it because I deleted my Facebook accounts. I want to earn money as tourist guide, teacher, librarian, museologist...


Good luck on that Kninjanin. All sound like good jobs to me.


Kninjanin, I just want to mention again, you helped me find my way back here to Solved...I appreciate that, ty, and I wish you well also those projects sound interesting and fulfilling.

+5 votes

I don't use Facebook and want nothing to do with that crook Zuckerberg.

No thank you, I'll pass.

+1 vote

I don't know anything about Facebook's cryptocurrency, but I hope Facebook loses its shirt on it.


Tink, Rooster has been bringing me up to date for what is going on in his life...told me how much your friendship has meant...yay you are just great Sister O'Tink!


Thank you, Virginia. I'm glad Rooster feels that I helped.

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