+5 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

I searched about education agents and found thet they get a commision from universities. There are some education agents in Belgrade. They have different education. Even some agents have diplomas of agriculture.

3 Answers

+4 votes

Not something I've heard about here in the States, so I really can't help you much. Even a google search didn't produce much.  Sorry.

+3 votes

No, did not even know there were such people, Kninjanin.

+3 votes

Only what I was able to find on the internet.


"Educational Agents are found throughout the world and collect a commission from education providers (schools, colleges, language programs) for each student they place in a school, on a course or program. Like a travel agent, they sell ‘seats’ and can book you on almost any course. In fact, much of the industry has developed out of the sector of the travel industry that caters to those looking for an educational ‘trip’ or experience. If price is your biggest factor in choosing an opportunity, an agent can counsel you on a wide variety of options varying in location, length of stay, and your budget. The biggest distinction between a good agency and a bad one is the training of their workforce. Some agents or agencies specialize in boarding school programs and some rarely place students in boarding schools in favour of less expensive public school programs that do not have the academic requirements of independent schools. Apart from charging much less, public schools often offer shorter and single semester stays as well."


Following up late but......https://thepienews.com/news/us-department-of-state-endorses-education-agencies/

Personally, I hesitate. Sorry.  I'm projecting globally at a larger picture where the answer to the question goes lacking.

So with these types of initiatives....how many people will we perhaps educate in U.S. institutions who then use that information and technology with the  goal of being hired by tech giants to gain access in order to steal our tech secrets (yup, reads Chinese) and then send it home to be used against us developmentally, or in more unsettled regions of the world, use that same information to develop technology which will in turn be used to kill our service men and women with the technological knowledge we provided them from within these educational institutions.

Talk about the real inconvenient truth.  Holy crap.

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