+4 votes
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...that is the question addressed by FOX News commentator in this video from today, February 11, 2022.

Only recently did I begin to look into what is happening in the Ukraine, after (hazardous) mention recently by Other Tink.

I respect both Tucker Carlson of FOX News and Tulsi Gabbard, whom he is interviewing here; both are people who think for themselves. Tulsi Gabbard is a liberal Democrat who tried to run for President of the US in 2020, but did not get very far. And I am guessing she would never be accepted by the Dem establishment because she has too much integrity.

Anyway, I thought she and Tucker made some points very helpful here, and looking for the viewpoint of my SOLVED mates now! :O  <3  :D

6 Answers

+3 votes

Don't care for what little I've seen of Carlson and I would be leery of much that he says.

But to answer your question? No, Biden doesn't want a war at all. It would ruin us in the state the country is in right now. I just see it as sabre rattling like always. Russia is pushing him to see how far they can go!


Thank you Rooster, your insights are always well thought out and thus very helpful! :)

+3 votes

I must say this seemed a bit too much like a "military-industrial complex" conspiracy theory to me.

I think it's mostly a matter of Biden (i.e., his handlers) trying to sound tough after the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, the perceived weakness of which put Ukraine and Taiwan at risk of invasion.


ty Tink i had not thought of that, of Biden & handlers trying to compensate for Afghan withdrawal disaster...in turn, putting those vulnerable places at risk of invasion.

Not sure...if I may ask, what do you mean by "m-i complex" conspiracy theory? I will say, that I myself have quite thoroughly bought into the idea that President Eisenhower's warning of M-I complex taking over the economy of the country, that has indeed already come about. 

Are you saying you might not see it that way, at least not as strongly as Tucker and Tulsi present?


I buy into the M-I complex theory insofar as it pushes for making lots and lots of weapons (=profits), and perhaps undertaking relatively small wars that pose no existential threat.

But I don't think they want a major war that could escalate into a nuclear war, because they themselves would be prime targets for nuclear missiles.


Received and read, ty Tink

+3 votes

I heard that he does not want war. Biden said that he would not send US army if the American citizens are in danger in Ukraine. You have very bad president.


Unfortunately, you are right, Goranko.


Thank you Kninjanin, your insight much appreciated...


I like Tucker Carlson.


Yes, I myself am appreciating him more and more!


Yes, Tucker usually gets things spot-on correct.

+2 votes

Some of the statements coming out of America over this crisis,engineered entirely by Russia,have had me thinking that,but I think America may be playing some psychological game I don’t quite understand.

Tink and I have a particular interest in this because of our Ukrainian friend on Similar Worlds who I don’t want to see killed( not that we could ever find out) in a needless,pointless war.

But she and I have long agreed that Ukraine would be on it’s own if Putin did the unthinkable and that  there can only be one outcome A Russian victory and I think Ukraine would surrender quickly to prevent horrendous loss of life.

But before I came here I saw in the Kyiv Post(it’s published in English-worth a look) a story that provides a chink of light (although Ukraine do not seem to be involved in that chink of link).

I don’t think Putin is invading on Wednesday and there is a meeting under the Vienna formula(I’ve sure I’ve got name wrong) on Tuesday which Russia and Ukraine will both be at.

And troops seem to be leaving Belarus as the exercises there wind down.

But I do think that Washington needs to tone down the hysteria...and Biden could do with accepting Zelenskys invitation to Kyiv.

It would send out a powerful message.

And my Ukrainian friend would take you to task for putting ‘the’ before Ukraine!:D


Sir Furry, some sources say that Putin objects to NATO keep pushing closer and closer to Russia...do you have opinion about that?

Oh, and I am going right now, gonna take out that task-inciting 'THE'...! (I did not even know, and I do like to keep track of such.))


NATO is already on Russia's borders in other countries.

And Russia has itself to blame for those countries eagerly joining NATO, given the way they were treated while part of the USSR, or as USSR satellites.


Tx again Tink I am slowly coming up to speed on this touchy situation...


Well,Tink has really answered but as she said to me on SW,does Putin really think NATO would attack a country with  great nuclear capability?

This is not really about NATO or Moscow’s rather silly security concerns.

It is about Ukraine daring to have a revolution that ousted a pro-Russian President.

It’s entirely why he seized Crimea and tried to take much of Eastern Ukraine.

He was thwarted in his attempts to take Kharkiv and Mariupol but has kept war going in Donbas for eight years.And it was the Russians who shot down the Malaysian Airlines plane over Donbas.

My Ukrainian friend went there as part of her University studies but she was clearly told not to talk about it!

And I really don’t think he will invade.But he can cause Ukraine problems by keeping this going as long as possible.

As I indicated earlier the first chinks of light began to appear today.They need to get bigger.

Ukraine is 1,500 miles away...but at the moment it seems a lot closer.


Well I went back to your other posts to review about those 'chinks of light,' SFA...I hope it turns out truly to be so.

You and Tink have followed this, plus some previous discussion on SW, so I am appreciating to inherit the benefit of all that...Putin with keeping war in Donbas going for eight years, whew! ...prickly character...



As worries grow over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ian Birrell says it is more important than ever that people have the courage to stand up to Putin


He highlights how the case of 15-year-old Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva, who tested positive for a banned substance two months ago, is a symbol of how the Russian leader often ignores rules. 


"Even after he stole a chunk of another country’s land and started a war, many people secure in their stable Western homes casually inflame Putin’s propaganda and debate the future of Ukraine on his terms. 


"Do not be fooled: this crisis is nothing to do with ethnic tensions and Russian speakers. Nor is it really related to expansion of Nato, although the Kremlin’s hostile moves underscore the need for a defensive shield. 


"It is about one ageing autocrat, clinging to power after 22 years of corrupt rule that left his resource-rich country chronically under-developed and who now fears the shift towards democracy in a close neighbour."



Wow! That rather lays it out, SFA


Anyway things seem to have calmed today...which is good.


Yes, I saw that...am following this a bit, now.

+2 votes

Because..just because..



Well, I have been reading about your Welsh red dragon, SirFurry...and one of the legends is that this fine fellow is a prophecy of the coming of King Arthur! 

btw is Arthur a Welsh name, itself? kinda sounds like it...

...father being Uther Pendragon, translating as "head of the dragon."

The other flag I do not recognize, is it flag of Ukraine?


It is Ukraine..not sure the name’Arthur’ is Welsh but i shall find out


I kinda guessed that maybe the other flag might be so!

Anyway, one article I saw claimed that the Welsh flag was the best flag in the world, all because of the fiery red dragon...and truly, a very fine fellow he is indeed... ;)



+2 votes

No, he doesn't. 

And Putin is counting on it.

Should he have had any doubt before, Biden's words 

'That's a WORLD WAR when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another'

must have put him at ease.
Putin knows he can do anything he wants.


Wow! That is to the point...ty, HegeMarie, nice to see you looking in on my question! 

Big smile for you, I was just thinking of you when I saw the word 'hygge' come up again the other day...


That is so funny, I remember we talked about that! :)

I wonder where the word hygge came up in this dark time..


Let me see if I can recall where hygge came up...

you know, I have been watching how people remodel very tiny apartments in large cities, to make them livable and comfortable...and, I think someone had a tiny apt. in Copenhagen, and was striving for that effect...decorating for congenial, welcome sense of hygge!

...as you also do seem to indicate, it's certainly a good direction for people to be considering, in our present precarious times.


I have seen a few apartments like that, although not in Copenhagen.

Incredible what you can make out of a small apartment like that if you put your heart into it :)

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