+5 votes
in Health by

Haven't seen but one article on the Net news about it since the Russkies invaded Ukraine.

Maybe we'll hear more again after Putin realizes he's not Stalin nor does he have Georgy Zhukov!!!

5 Answers

+4 votes

I only hear news about the Ukraine invasion in the western media. While the U.S economy is growing slowly, the unemployment rate got decreased and more people have started to work. They might not want to mess it up with vaccines rules and covid news.

+2 votes

Well, Covid cases are way down in our area (less than 10% of peak), and practically all restrictions have been lifted.

And yes, Putin's brutal war of aggression has certainly pushed everything else off the headlines.

And no, Putin doesn't have Zhukov, but we don't have the likes of MacArthur, Patton or Eisenhower either.

+2 votes

Living in a now restriction free country it isn’t surprising but there is another major news story at the moment.

Made all the worse because of our Ukrainian friend on SW.

I am sure I wouldn’t be quite so interested if I wasn’t concerned for her safety.


I know who you mean and I hope she's safe!


So far...whatever she is doing it involves regular trips to Poland.

+3 votes
It is weird that restrictions disappear. I still wear mask.
Russia does not want more NATO neighbours. It has Norway, Poland and Lithuania as NATO neighbours and the USA are on the other side of Bering strait. I think that Ukraina will not be a NATO member.

Reports continue to be inconsistent. I still wear a mask when I go out. I just heard this morning those in the White House who have been vaccinated and boosted are testing positive.


I received three vaccine doses.

+3 votes

Hi Rooster,

I am trying to still remember to wear a mask when I go out...but forget sometimes.

I do get a daily newsletter from the Washington Post on COVID...here is their assessment of the decreasing life expectancy in the US due to the pandemic, the news is not very good:

"In 2019, the average life expectancy in the U.S. was 78.86 years; that dropped to 76.99 in 2020 as the coronavirus slammed into the country and 76.60 in 2021. The analysis showed that the U.S. fared worse than 19 other wealthy nations during the pandemic and did not benefit from a rebound when vaccines became widely available."

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