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3 Answers

+2 votes

SWEET SUCCESS: Simon Girma (left) was named champion (Image: Matt Alexander/PA Media Assignments)

Biscuit-lovers put their skills to the test at the first ever National Dunking Championship. The winner has been named as 35-year-old Simon Girma, a creative designer from North London.

The competition, hosted by McVitie's, saw contestants compete in a 'dunk off', armed with a selection of Britain's favourite biscuits. Under the watchful eye of expert judges, the aim was to keep each biscuit submerged in a hot drink for as long as possible without it breaking.

Each round featured a different biscuit, challenging contestants' knowledge of each one’s dunking characteristics. One point was awarded for every second it was remained submerged.

Once removed, the biscuit had to remain intact without breaking or the participant would lose the round. Simon was crowned victorious after a series of intense dunk off rounds, where he played a Digestive, Rich Tea, Chocolate Hobnob and Gingernut.

But it wasn't an easy win, as the final saw a sudden death tie-breaker after both Simon and his opponent Bruno achieved 58 points. And the biscuit that delivered the winning dunk? The Chocolate Hobnob, a favourite amongst dunkers worldwide.

+2 votes
I know nothing about that competition.
+1 vote

I can see why the Chocolate Hobnob is a favorite. The chocolate layer must keep the biscuit intact longer during the dunk.:)

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