+1 vote
in Computer Networking by

I cannot open AskIt any more. What happened?

4 Answers

0 votes

I'm not sure Marianne, only Bruno can answer on that. I got the error message "

This site can’t be reached

askit.space’s server DNS address could not be found"

When trying to access the website:

Possible reasons: The domain name or web hosting account might have expired and needs renewal.


Thank you, Dan.

What's weird, there have been connection problems with other sites too.

I'll see with Bruno. :)

+1 vote

My Dad says he uses that site once in a while. I'll have to ask him about it. Never seen it myself.


Thank you, Hitman.

There have been connection problems with other sites too.

Well, I hope that Bruno can help. :)


Just another info: it is still unavailable; I tried again some minutes ago.

I heard from several sides that there have been massive spammings and attacks against various bigger and smaller Internet communities and groups.

+1 vote

This could be the reason:

Oct 22 (1 day ago)  

to me   

DNS provider Dyn.com is currently under heavy DDoS attack which has affected many well known brands across the Internet including Amazon, Netflix, Reddit, Paypal and many others. 

This may affect your site if you use them for DNS or if you use any service, like Paypal, that uses DynDNS. 

The larger providers seem to have worked quite quickly to mitigate this attack, but it is ongoing so it's important that you're aware of it and carefully monitor your website during this time. 

We have posted a blog post with full details, news links and will keep it updated as this unfolds. 


Mark Maunder 

Wordfence Founder & CEO


Thank you, Dan, that gives a better idea of the problem. I found little information, and hardly any names.

Yes, I heard about many access or connection problems from various sides and - seemingly - also certain local or regional network troubles - but without details.

No, I am not using Amazon, etc. for shopping on-line. But I received spams and dubious mails. I contacted our cyber police repetedly and transmitted such links for verification.

On ihavesolved and AskIt.space, I noticed only a few advertisements and some drafts about studies of materials - some questions seem to indicate that also students were looking for help and/or useful links for their domains.

+1 vote

Can you tell me what all are the other sites facing this issue.


I heard that sites like Twitter were also having troubles. But most could solve these problems within a few hours.

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