I went on blurtit earlier and it was covered in Spam ! Hardly see any here at all.
I sure have noticed. It just shows you how poor the moderation is on that site. Blurtit always had a lot of spam but it was dispatched quickly when you were an admin there. Those guys have to get on the ball.
Yes I did notice! I haven't seen any here since I joined but it's starting to get out of hand on blurtit. It seems their changes in management were definitely for the worse.
I must admit I prefer the ads on the side here, rather than mixed in with the questions.
Does this site run ads to make money? if so. i would be glad to disable my adblock for this site to help support it. i didn't know it ran adds.
Absolutely. You must have spent a lot of time removing them on Blurtit but now that's it's running in kamikaze mode there's little attempt to keep on top of it.
There is a difference that's for sure!
Are there any mods on this site?
If so, who are they? Or is that a no no here too?
Hi Tiger, at this time? I don't think there are any Mods here. At least I haven't seen any.
Pretty much the only spam I've seen here is for a moving service in Bangalore that appears from time to time.
Yep. The Bangalore spam is more amusing than annoying.
I just saw the Bangalore spam for the first time this morning !
The Bangalore/Hyderabad mover seemed to favor my questions with his spam. Maybe he thought I would have to leave the country in a hurry for criticizing Hillary so much. You-know-who was probably tattling on me to the DNC.
Other than a few ads, this place is clear. I like it!
Yes, there are very few spams here, and some conventional adds.
It is very nice here.
Yes, Spam on Blurtit is totally out of hand. I went on to see how things were going. I am still numb from my loss but I am trying to function.
Hello Ancient One ! Good to see you.
Hi Rooster. I see there have been many ups and downs recently on Blurtit. I agree with Walter it is getting to a point where an individual doesn't want to wade through all the "mess". It is a shame. Right now I am not in a position to render anyone any assistance, however in the future I will be (I pray) back up and running. So please keep me on your list should you need some assistance.
I'm no longer a Mod there and neither is Angela. They wanted their own people so DS narfolk could rule the roost. I don't think I'll be on there much longer as they've been removing my answers left and right. Pretty childish but that's the way they are.
its a shame they fired you guys as mods... their site is now on its way to the flop house!! Yahoo Answers is a good example of that!! they took away the mods and now its just a site full of porn, trolls, and spam.
not yet anyway but im sure they will make their way here as they do with every Question site.
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